The Feb. 2 show |

Deidra, Jamie, Drew, Dawn and I at Wake for the Derek and Andy show |

Emilie, me, Jessica, Sarah and Jennifer |
C'est moi |

I was the French character, but of course, you can't really see my beret |
Deer in a headlight |

Jennifer being the deer and hunter at the same time |
High School Retreat, December 2001, Camp Royall
Me and Jamie |

Gotta love the pipe! |
Jessica and Jamie |

Girls in 'da hood |

Don't even bein to ask! |
Aquire the Fire, February 2001, Charlotte, NC
Sleeping on the floor |

Deidra, Haleigh, Jessica, me and Beth crashing after the first night of ATF |
Typical |

Me? With a microphone? Never! |
Stairs |

Haleigh, Jessica and I posing at ATF |
Other random older pics
Awwwww!!! |

Rachel and Jessica, after a lock-in at Metrosport |
Autumn, Jamie and Freddie |

I think we were playing a game at youth group (or i hope anyway!) |
Peter |

He's bowing to me, NOT kissing my feet (it's hard to see, but i have a crown of flowers on my head) |
14 people in Emilie's Prelude |

I'm in there somewhere! |
Taylor |

A little strange...but then again, so is he! |
Taylor and Graham |

My all time favorite picture |
Taylor and Moses |

Moses is Emilie's guitar |
Jenny |

If that's not the essence of Jenny... |